Source code for cinrad.visualize.ppi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Puyuan Du

import os
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import json
from typing import Union, Optional, Any, List
from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
import as ccrs
from cartopy.mpl.geoaxes import GeoAxes
from xarray import Dataset

from cinrad.visualize.utils import *
from cinrad.constants import MODULE_DIR
from cinrad.projection import get_coordinate
from import StormTrackInfo
from cinrad._typing import Number_T
from cinrad.common import get_dtype, is_radial
from cinrad.visualize.layout import TEXT_AXES_POS, TEXT_SPACING, INIT_TEXT_POS, CBAR_POS

__all__ = ["PPI"]

[docs]class PPI(object): r""" Create a figure plotting plan position indicator By default, norm, cmap, and colorbar labels will be determined by the data type. Args: data (xarray.Dataset): The data to be plotted. fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): The figure to plot on. Optional. norm (matplotlib.colors.Normalize): Customized norm data. Optional. cmap (matplotlib.colors.Colormap): Customized colormap. Optional. nlabel (int): Number of labels on the colorbar. Optional. dpi (int): DPI of the figure. Optional. highlight (str, list(str)): Areas to be highlighted. Optional. coastline (bool): Plot coastline on the figure if set to True. Default False. extent (list(float)): The extent of figure. Optional. add_city_names (bool): Label city names on the figure if set to True. Default True. plot_labels (bool): Text scan information on the side of the plot. Default True. """ # The CRS of data is believed to be PlateCarree. # i.e., the coordinates are longitude and latitude. data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() def __init__( self, data: Dataset, fig: Optional[Any] = None, norm: Optional[Any] = None, cmap: Optional[Any] = None, nlabel: Optional[int] = None, label: Optional[List[str]] = None, dpi: Number_T = 350, highlight: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, coastline: bool = False, extent: Optional[List[Number_T]] = None, section: Optional[Dataset] = None, style: str = "black", add_city_names: bool = False, plot_labels: bool = True, **kwargs ): = data self.dtype = get_dtype(data) self.settings = { "cmap": cmap, "norm": norm, "nlabel": nlabel, "label": label, "highlight": highlight, "coastline": coastline, "path_customize": False, "extent": extent, "slice": section, "style": style, "add_city_names": add_city_names, "plot_labels": plot_labels, "is_inline": is_inline(), } if fig is None: self.fig = setup_plot(dpi, style=style) else: self.fig = fig # avoid in-place modification self.text_pos = TEXT_AXES_POS.copy() self.cbar_pos = CBAR_POS.copy() self._plot_ctx = dict() self.rf_flag = "RF" in data self._fig_init = False self._plot(**kwargs) if is_inline(): # In inline mode, figure will not be dynamically changed # call this action at initialization self._text_before_save() def __call__(self, fpath: Optional[str] = None): if not fpath: # When the path is not specified, store the picture in home dir. fpath = os.path.join(str(Path.home()), "PyCINRAD") else: ext_name = fpath.split(".") if len(ext_name) > 1: all_fmt = self.fig.canvas.get_supported_filetypes() if ext_name[-1] in all_fmt: self.settings["path_customize"] = True else: if not fpath.endswith(os.path.sep): fpath += os.path.sep return self._save(fpath) def _norm(self): if self.settings["norm"]: n = self.settings["norm"] if self.settings["label"]: clabel = self.settings["label"] else: nlabel = self.settings["nlabel"] if nlabel: clabel = np.linspace(n.vmin, n.vmax, nlabel).astype(str) else: clabel = np.linspace(n.vmin, n.vmax, 10).astype(str) return n, n, clabel else: n = norm_plot[self.dtype] n2 = norm_cbar[self.dtype] return n, n2, cbar_text[self.dtype] def _cmap(self): if self.settings["cmap"]: c = self.settings["cmap"] return c, c else: c = cmap_plot[self.dtype] c2 = cmap_cbar[self.dtype] return c, c2 def _plot(self, **kwargs): lon =["longitude"].values lat =["latitude"].values var =[self.dtype].values extent = self.settings["extent"] if not extent: extent = [lon.min(), lon.max(), lat.min(), lat.max()] self.settings["extent"] = extent # When plot single radar, azimuthal equidistant projection is used. # The data which has code like 'Z9XXX' is considered as single radar. code = if is_radial( or (code.startswith("Z") and code[1:].isnumeric()): proj = ccrs.AzimuthalEquidistant(,, ) else: proj = ccrs.PlateCarree() self.geoax: GeoAxes = create_geoaxes(self.fig, proj, extent=extent) self._plot_ctx["var"] = var pnorm, cnorm, clabel = self._norm() pcmap, ccmap = self._cmap() self.geoax.pcolormesh( lon, lat, var, norm=pnorm, cmap=pcmap, transform=self.data_crs, shading="auto", **kwargs ) if self.rf_flag: rf =["RF"].values self.geoax.pcolormesh( lon, lat, rf, norm=norm_plot["RF"], cmap=cmap_plot["RF"], transform=self.data_crs, shading="auto", **kwargs ) if not self.settings["extent"]: self._autoscale() add_shp( self.geoax, proj, coastline=self.settings["coastline"], style=self.settings["style"], extent=self.geoax.get_extent(self.data_crs), ) if self.settings["highlight"]: draw_highlight_area(self.settings["highlight"]) if self.settings["add_city_names"]: self._add_city_names() if self.settings["slice"]: self.plot_cross_section(self.settings["slice"]) self._fig_init = True def _text(self): # axes used for text which has the same x-position as # the colorbar axes (for matplotlib 3 compatibility) var = self._plot_ctx["var"] ax2 = self.fig.add_axes(self.text_pos) for sp in ax2.spines.values(): sp.set_visible(False) ax2.yaxis.set_visible(False) ax2.xaxis.set_visible(False) # Make VCP21 the default scanning strategy task ="task", "VCP21") text( ax2,,,,, task,, ) ax2.text(0, INIT_TEXT_POS, prodname[self.dtype], **plot_kw) ax2.text( 0, INIT_TEXT_POS - TEXT_SPACING * 8, "Max: {:.1f}{}".format(np.nanmax(var), unit[self.dtype]), **plot_kw ) if self.dtype == "VEL": ax2.text( 0, INIT_TEXT_POS - TEXT_SPACING * 9, "Min: {:.1f}{}".format(np.nanmin(var), unit[self.dtype]), **plot_kw ) def _text_before_save(self): # Finalize texting here pnorm, cnorm, clabel = self._norm() pcmap, ccmap = self._cmap() if self.settings["plot_labels"]: self._text() cbar = setup_axes(self.fig, ccmap, cnorm, self.cbar_pos) if not isinstance(clabel, type(None)): change_cbar_text( cbar, np.linspace(cnorm.vmin, cnorm.vmax, len(clabel)), clabel ) def _save(self, fpath: str): if not self.settings["is_inline"]: self._text_before_save() if not self.settings["path_customize"]: if not fpath.endswith(os.path.sep): fpath += os.path.sep if self.settings["slice"]: data = self.settings["slice"] sec = "_{:.2f}_{:.2f}_{:.2f}_{:.2f}".format( data.start_lat, data.start_lon, data.end_lat, data.end_lon ) else: sec = "" path_string = "{}{}_{}_{:.1f}_{}_{}{}.png".format( fpath,, datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" ),,, self.dtype.upper(), sec, ) else: path_string = fpath save(path_string)
[docs] def plot_range_rings( self, _range: Union[int, float, list], color: str = "white", linewidth: Number_T = 0.5, **kwargs ): r"""Plot range rings on PPI plot.""" slon, slat =, if isinstance(_range, (int, float)): _range = [_range] theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 800) for d in _range: x, y = get_coordinate(d, theta, 0, slon, slat, h_offset=False) #, y, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs) self.geoax.plot( x, y, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, transform=self.data_crs, **kwargs )
[docs] def plot_cross_section( self, data: Dataset, ymax: Optional[int] = None, linecolor: Optional[str] = None, interpolate: bool = True, ): # May add check to ensure the data is slice data r"""Plot cross section data below the PPI plot.""" if self.settings["is_inline"] and self._fig_init: raise RuntimeError( "Adding cross section dynamically is not supported in" "inline backend, add section keyword when initializing PPI instead." ) if not linecolor: if self.settings["style"] == "black": linecolor = "white" elif self.settings["style"] == "white": linecolor = "black" self.settings["slice"] = data # The axes to plot c-section is below the main axes # the height of it is a quarter of the height of main axes # so the positions of the figure, the main axes, the colorbar axes # should be adjusted accordingly. # TODO: remove hardcode and calculate positions automatically self.fig.set_size_inches(10, 10) self.geoax.set_position([0, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8]) ax2 = self.fig.add_axes([0, 0.01, 0.8, 0.17]) # transform coordinates self.text_pos[1] = self.text_pos[1] * 0.8 + 0.2 self.text_pos[3] = self.text_pos[3] * 0.8 self.cbar_pos[1] = self.cbar_pos[1] * 0.8 + 0.2 self.cbar_pos[3] = self.cbar_pos[3] * 0.8 ax2.yaxis.set_ticks_position("right") ax2.set_xticks([]) dtype = get_dtype(data) sl = data[dtype].values if dtype == "REF": # visualization improvement for reflectivity sl[np.isnan(sl)] = -0.1 xcor = data["x_cor"] ycor = data["y_cor"] cmap = sec_plot[dtype] norm = norm_plot[dtype] if interpolate: ax2.contourf(xcor, ycor, sl, 256, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) else: ax2.pcolormesh(xcor, ycor, sl, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, shading="auto") if ymax: ax2.set_ylim(0, ymax) else: ax2.set_ylim(0, 15) ax2.set_title( "Start: {}N {}E".format(data.start_lat, data.start_lon) + " End: {}N {}E".format(data.end_lat, data.end_lon) ) self.geoax.plot( [data.start_lon, data.end_lon], [data.start_lat, data.end_lat], marker="x", color=linecolor, transform=self.data_crs, zorder=5, )
[docs] def storm_track_info(self, filepath: str): r""" Add storm tracks from Nexrad Level III (PUP) STI product file """ sti = StormTrackInfo(filepath) if len( == 0: warnings.warn("No storm track to plot", RuntimeWarning) return else: stlist = sti.storm_list # extent = self.geoax.get_extent() for st in stlist: past = sti.track(st, "past") fcs = sti.track(st, "forecast") current = sti.current(st) if past: self.geoax.plot( *past, marker=".", color="white", zorder=4, markersize=5, transform=self.data_crs ) if fcs: self.geoax.plot( *fcs, marker="+", color="white", zorder=4, markersize=5, transform=self.data_crs ) self.geoax.scatter( *current, marker="o", s=15, zorder=5, color="lightgrey", transform=self.data_crs )
# if (current[0] > extent[0]) and (current[0] < extent[1]) and (current[1] > extent[2]) and (current[1] < extent[3]): # self.geoax.text(current[0] - 0.03, current[1] - 0.03, st, color='white', zorder=4)
[docs] def gridlines(self, draw_labels: bool = True, linewidth: Number_T = 0, **kwargs): r"""Draw grid lines on cartopy axes""" from cartopy import __version__ if not isinstance(self.geoax.projection, ccrs.PlateCarree): # Some workaround about the issue that cartopy version lower than 0.18 cannot # draw ticks on AzimuthalEquidistant plot if __version__ < "0.18": warnings.warn( "Cartopy older than 0.18 cannot draw ticks on AzimuthalEquidistant plot.", RuntimeWarning, ) return liner = self.geoax.gridlines( draw_labels=draw_labels, linewidth=linewidth, transform=self.data_crs, rotate_labels=False, **kwargs ) liner.top_labels = False liner.right_labels = False if __version__ >= "0.20": liner.ypadding = -5 liner.xpadding = -5
def _add_city_names(self): with open( os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, "data", "chinaCity.json"), encoding="utf-8" ) as j: js = json.load(j) name = np.concatenate([[j["name"] for j in i["children"]] for i in js]) lon = np.concatenate([[j["log"] for j in i["children"]] for i in js]).astype( float ) lat = np.concatenate([[j["lat"] for j in i["children"]] for i in js]).astype( float ) extent = self.settings["extent"] fraction = (extent[1] - extent[0]) * 0.04 target_city = ( (lon > (extent[0] + fraction)) & (lon < (extent[1] - fraction)) & (lat > (extent[2] + fraction)) & (lat < (extent[3] - fraction)) ) for nm, stlon, stlat in zip( name[target_city], lon[target_city], lat[target_city] ): self.geoax.text( stlon, stlat, nm, **plot_kw, color="darkgrey", transform=self.data_crs, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center" ) def _autoscale(self): llon, ulon, llat, ulat = self.geoax.get_extent() lon_delta = ulon - llon lat_delta = ulat - llat if lon_delta == lat_delta: return if lon_delta > lat_delta: # The long axis is x-axis lat_center = (ulat + llat) / 2 lat_extend = lon_delta / 2 llat = lat_center - lat_extend ulat = lat_center + lat_extend elif lon_delta < lat_delta: # The long axis is y-axis lon_center = (ulon + llon) / 2 lon_extend = lat_delta / 2 llon = lon_center - lon_extend ulon = lon_center + lon_extend self.geoax.set_extent([llon, ulon, llat, ulat], self.geoax.projection)