Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Puyuan Du

import abc
import os
import json
from typing import Optional, Any
import bz2
import gzip

import numpy as np

from cinrad.constants import MODULE_DIR
from cinrad._typing import Number_T

with open(os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, "data", "radar_station.json"), "r") as buf:
    radarinfo = json.load(buf)

def _get_radar_info(code: Optional[str]) -> tuple:
    r"""Get radar station info from the station database according to the station code."""
        return radarinfo[code]
    except KeyError:
        return ("None", 0, 0, "", 0)

def prepare_file(file: Any) -> Any:
    if hasattr(file, "read"):
        return file
    f = open(file, "rb")
    magic =
    if magic.startswith(b"\x1f\x8b"):
        return gzip.GzipFile(file, "rb")
    if magic.startswith(b"BZh"):
        return bz2.BZ2File(file, "rb")
    return open(file, "rb")

[docs]class RadarBase(abc.ABC): r""" Base class for readers in ``. Only used when subclassed """ # Same methods for all radar classes def _update_radar_info(self): r"""Update radar station info automatically.""" info = _get_radar_info(self.code) self.stationlon = info[1] self.stationlat = info[2] = info[0] self.radarheight = info[4] def set_code(self, code: str): self.code = code self._update_radar_info() def get_nscans(self) -> int: return len(self.el)
[docs] def available_product(self, tilt: int) -> list: r"""Get all available products in given tilt""" return list([tilt].keys())
@staticmethod def get_range(drange: Number_T, reso: Number_T) -> np.ndarray: rng = np.arange(reso, drange + reso, reso) valid_entry = int(drange // reso) return rng[:valid_entry]